Microshield - mobile phone radiation protection cases

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Microshield - Test Results Microshield - Test Results

Test Results


The Microshield radiation protection case has been subjected to the most thorough examination of its shielding capabilities and in every test performed on it, has been shown to significantly reduce radiation exposure from a mobile phone, inclusive of the effects of the power surge created by the handset's APC (Adaptive Power Control) system.

It has been independently tested by :

British Telecommunications PLC

Reductions in radiation absorbed by the user of up to 99%

Notes: - These tests were performed on a mobile deliberately set to work at full power to demonstrate the shielding performance in worse case exposure conditions, using their multi-million pounds digital network simulator installation and a salt water column to replicate the user's head. Around 300 readings were taken during the course of the tests. Letter received from BT confirming the Microshield "works as described in our literature."

BABT (British Approvals Board of Telecommunications) Product Services Ltd formerly Assessment Services Ltd

Reductions in radiation exposure of up to 99%

Notes: - These tests were commissioned through the BABT using their multi-million pounds digital network simulator installation where mobile handsets are sent for compliance testing. As with the BT tests, measurements were taken on a mobile pre-set to work at full power to demonstrate the shielding performance in worse case exposure conditions.

The National Physical Laboratory

Reductions in absorption by the head of up to 95%

Notes: - The The Microshield has been tested on five separate occasions by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) for the BBC's Healthcheck and Panorama programs, the New Scientist, the Mirror Newspaper Group and by Trading Standards Office.

NPL have been commissioned by the European Union to develop ways of measuring mobile phone emission levels more accurately using a sophisticated phantom head designed to reflect the presence of the user.

Tests were performed on a mobile set to work at full power to demonstrate the shielding performance in worse case exposure conditions and also in good signal conditions when the mobile power levels would not be so high.

MCL (Microwave Consultants Ltd)

Reductions in absorption by the head of up to 97%

Notes: - MCL Ltd are a highly respected testing house often engaged by the cellular industry for its own independent tests. This is the same installation who have been commissioned by the UK Government (DTI) to carry out Kite mark testing on hands free kits, as recommended by the Stewart Group. Their test protocol also involved the use of a highly sophisticated phantom human head and was conducted using a mobile set to work at full power to demonstrate the shielding performance in worse case exposure conditions.

Other tests on the Microshield include (radiation exposure reductions in brackets)

The Moscow Medical Academy (up to 99%: awarded Russian Hygiene Certificate)

The University of Sydney's School of Applied Physics (up to 99%)

Middlesex University (up to 90%)

Electrometrics Ltd (up to 95%)

N.B. Whilst the Microshield case was primarily designed for GSM phone models, it will also have a significant shielding effect for users of mobiles operating on other systems such as PCN, DECT, etc. Limited independent testing at 1800MHz has shown reductions in absorption anywhere between 20%, 45% and 84%.

Radiation absorption levels in the head are affected by a number of factors including the type, power and frequency of the mobile, the position it is held and even the user's tissue type. With so many variables, Microshield cannot be specific about individual shielding levels provided, which may vary significantly between mobile models and networks, as well as user conditions.

Table A1
BT Mobile: Microshield test results Test Results "B" With Salt water column to simulate loading by user's head
User's head at 90 degrees
% power remaining Corrected Transmit powers
Mshield No shield Diff Diff Mshield No Shield Diff Diff Mshield No shield Diff Diff Reduction Average
Azimuth Salt No Salt CH1 CH1 dBm % CH62 CH62 dBm % CH124 CH124 dBm % %
0 3.27 8.61 -28.45 -14.65 -13.80 95.83 -28.44 -13.22 -15.22 96.99 -31.16 -15.37 -15.79 97.36 96.73
15 2.25 5.96 -29.26 -14.00 -15.26 97.02 -29.46 -12.59 -16.87 97.94 -32.33 -14.71 -17.62 98.27 97.75
30 1.54 4.06 -30.37 -13.64 -16.73 97.88 -30.85 -12.28 -18.57 98.61 -33.92 -14.39 -19.53 98.89 98.46
45 1.09 2.88 -31.68 -13.71 -17.97 98.40 -32.47 -12.33 -20.14 99.03 -35.96 -14.48 -21.48 99.29 98.91
60 0.87 2.28 -32.91 -14.26 -18.65 98.64 -34.06 -12.87 -21.19 99.24 -38.27 -15.06 -23.21 99.52 99.13
75 0.84 2.29 -33.77 -15.25 -18.52 98.59 -35.27 -13.91 -213.36 99.27 -40.45 -16.20 -24.25 99.62 99.16
Head 90 0.96 2.84 -34.24 -16.50 -17.74 98.32 -36.10 -15.22 -20.88 99.18 -42.08 -17.73 -24.35 99.62 99.16
105 1.16 3.43 -34.99 -18.19 -16.80 97.91 -37.10 -16.88 -20.22 99.05 -43.38 -19.88 -23.50 99.55 98.84
120 1.43 3.68 -36.71 -20.77 -15.94 97.45 -38.47 -19.32 -19.15 98.78 -45.30 -22.55 -22.75 99.47 98.57
135 2.03 4.30 -38.18 -23.56 -14.62 96.55 -38.94 -21.52 -17.42 98.19 -45.45 -24.65 -20.80 99.17 97.97
150 2.42 5.89 -39.10 -25.25 -13.85 95.88 -38.96 -22.08 -16.88 97.95 -44.12 -24.52 -19.60 98.90 97.58
165 2.45 8.42 -40.89 -26.65 -14.24 96.23 -39.00 -22.70 -16.30 97.66 -44.20 -25.10 -19.10 98.77 97.55
180 1.50 11.30 -73.79 -28.56 -45.23 100.00 -40.82 -24.33 -16.49 97.76 -43.53 -27.03 -16.50 97.76 98.50
195 2.87 14.39 -74.13 -29.30 -44.83 100.00 -39.88 -25.52 -14.36 96.34 -42.19 -29.12 -13.07 95.07 97.13
210 10.73 18.35 -35.83 -28.69 -7.14 80.68 -38.11 -25.69 -12.42 94.27 -40.88 -29.42 -11.46 92.86 89.27
225 15.90 23.59 -33.88 -28.53 -5.35 70.83 -36.21 -25.47 -10.74 91.57 -39.52 -29.56 -9.96 89.91 84.10
240 23.74 24.19 -31.51 -27.83 -3.68 57.15 -34.10 -25.07 -9.03 87.50 -37.17 -29.17 -8.00 84.15 76.26
255 25.49 25.49 -29.51 -25.92 -3.59 56.25 -31.96 -23.62 -8.34 85.34 -34.65 -27.22 -7.43 81.93 74.51
270 23.85 24.13 -27.90 -23.90 -4.00 60.19 -30.15 -21.91 -8.24 85.00 -32.75 -24.99 -7.76 83.25 76.15
285 18.04 24.16 -26.77 -22.02 -4.75 66.50 -31.82 -20.24 -11.58 93.05 -31.45 -22.81 -8.64 86.32 81.96
300 15.72 24.05 -25.92 -20.13 -5.79 73.64 -27.96 -18.50 -9.46 88.68 -30.83 -20.60 -10.23 90.52 84.28
315 11.80 21.59 -25.55 -18.39 -7.16 80.77 -27.56 -16.87 -1.69 91.47 -30.20 -19.03 -11.17 92.36 88.20
330 8.49 17.16 -25.50 -16.91 -8.59 86.16 -27.49 -15.42 -12.07 93.79 -30.25 -17.59 -12.66 94.58 91.51
345 6.10 12.36 -25.74 -15.69 -1.05 90.11 -27.85 -14.25 -13.60 95.63 -30.27 -16.35 -13.92 95.94 93.90

Table A2
BT Mobile: Microshield test results Test Results "B" Without the Salt water column
User's head at 90 degrees
% Corrected Transmit powers
Power Mshield No shield Diff Diff Mshield No Shield Diff Diff Mshield No shield Diff Diff Reduction Average
Azimuth Remaining CH1 CH1 dBm % CH62 CH62 dBm % CH124 CH124 dBm % %
0 3.20 -28.93 -15.54 -13.39 95.42 -31.60 -16.17 -15.43 97.14 -35.98 -19.29 -16.69 -97.86 96.80
15 2.21 -29.68 -15.17 -14.51 96.46 -33.15 -15.74 -17.41 98.18 -37.30 -18.36 -18.94 98.72 97.79
30 1.51 -30.55 -14.87 -15.68 97.30 -34.94 -15.30 -19.64 98.91 -39.07 -17.71 -21.36 99.27 98.49
45 1.07 -31.40 -14.67 -16.73 97.88 -39.71 -14.91 -21.80 99.34 -41.19 -17.42 -23.77 99.58 98.93
60 0.85 -31.80 -14.42 -17.38 98.17 -37.71 -14.50 -23.21 99.52 -43.60 -17.34 -26.26 99.76 99.15
75 0.85 -31.12 -13.87 -17.25 98.12 -39.58 -13.75 -22.83 99.48 -45.33 -16.91 -28.42 99.86 99.15
Head 90 1.06 -29.78 -13.24 -16.54 97.78 -33.99 -12.78 -21.21 99.24 -43.10 -15.93 -27.17 99.81 98.94
105 1.27 -28.91 -12.91 -16.00 -97.49 -32.12 -12.13 -19.99 99.00 -40.50 -15.28 -25.22 99.70 98.73
120 1.37 -28.88 -12.98 -15.90 97.43 -31.26 -11.94 -19.32 98.83 -39.55 -15.13 -24.32 99.64 98.63
135 1.60 -28.63 -13.19 -15.44 97.14 -30.27 -11.88 -18.39 98.55 -38.19 -15.05 -23.14 99.51 98.40
150 2.18 -27.77 -13.34 -14.43 96.39 -28.61 -11.69 -16.92 97.97 -35.17 -14.78 -20.39 99.09 97.82
165 3.13 -26.40 -13.34 -13.06 95.06 -26.88 -11.48 -15.40 97.12 -32.51 -14.42 -18.09 98.45 96.87
180 4.19 -25.41 -13.59 -11.82 93.42 -25.77 -11.55 -14.22 96.22 -30.85 -14.31 -16.54 97.78 95.81
195 5.34 -25.25 -14.45 -10.80 -91.68 -25.42 -12.21 -13.21 95.22 -30.14 -14.80 -15.34 97.08 94.66
210 6.81 -25.59 -15.80 -9.79 89.50 -25.62 -13.43 -12.19 93.96 -30.12 -16.02 -14.10 96.11 93.19
225 8.75 -25.82 -17.10 -8.72 86.57 -25.88 -14.68 -11.20 92.41 -30.38 -17.58 -12.80 94.75 91.25
240 8.98 -25.80 -17.42 -8.38 85.48 -25.96 -15.23 -10.73 91.55 -30.48 -16.45 -14.03 96.05 91.02
255 9.46 -25.77 -17.16 -8.61 86.23 -26.09 -15.25 -10.84 91.76 -30.70 -18.74 -11.96 93.63 90.54
270 8.96 -26.11 -17.23 -8.88 87.06 -26.59 -15.49 -11.10 92.24 -31.38 -19.28 -12.10 93.83 91.04
285 8.96 -26.80 -17.81 -8.99 87.38 -27.40 -16.23 -11.17 92.36 -32.23 -20.45 -11.78 93.36 91.04
300 8.93 -27.38 -18.04 -9.34 88.36 -28.18 -16.99 -11.19 92.40 -32.95 -21.72 -11.23 92.47 91.07
315 8.01 -27.70 -17.52 -10.18 90.41 -28.87 -17.29 -11.58 93.05 -33.43 -22.18 -11.25 92.50 99.99
330 6.37 -27.96 -16.86 -11.10 92.24 -29.59 -17.04 -12.55 94.44 -33.88 -21.50 -12.38 94.22 93.63
345 4.59 -28.37 -16.13 -12.24 94.03 -30.57 -16.64 -13.93 95.95 -34.65 -20.38 -14.27 96.26 95.41

Microshield - Test Results Microshield - Test Results


Independent tests were commissioned with the BABT (British Approvals Board for Telecommunications) and conducted at Assessment Services Testing Laboratories using BABT’s highly specialised GSM (digital) network simulator equipment. Radiation emmission readings were taken through 360 degrees at 30 degree intervals using digital phones in an unshielded mode and also with the Microshield's aerial guard extended 100% and 75% up the side of the phone's antenna.

Using the data obtained it was possible to make an estimate of the Microshield's shielding effectiveness by deducting the value in dB obtained with the shield in place from the value obtained with no shield in place. With the dB measurement system being logarithmical it is not possible for ordinary percentage calculations to be made. The table of results presented below interprets the data obtained during the tests and provides the reader with the comparative percentage shielding results with the phone placed in various positions and with varying levels of aerial guard protection.

Readers curious how the Microshield can achieve such high shielding levels and still allow the phone to operate, or are wondering about the effect of the powering-up process of the phone (see) Frequently Asked Questions

Angular Position Degrees Position 1 Position 2 Position 3
Shield Effectiveness Shield Fully Up Shield Effectiveness Shield 75% Up Shield Effectiveness Shield Fully Up Shield Effectiveness Shield Fully Up

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