Microshield - mobile phone radiation protection cases

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Relevant Web Sites

Click on any of the links below to visit a world of information on Electromagnetic Radiation with many sites containing specific information on mobile phones and health effects.

Cindy Sage, a highly regarded US EMF consultant who has been extremely active in oppositions against mast sitings

Stewart Fist, Technical Writer and Journalist:

Powerwatch Network:

Electromagnectic Hazard & Therapy :

Microwave News:

Electromagnetics Forum:

EMF Link:


Coghill Research Laboratories:


Microshield - News Groups Microshield - News Groups


There are also many fine publications available to subscribe to, most at very reasonable rates.

In the UK, Electromagnetic Hazard & Therapy has provided excellent coverage of this and other issues such as power lines etc. Contact Simon Best on 0044 (0)1273 452744 or write for details to PO BOX 25, Liphook, Hants, GU30 7SE, UK. E-Mail: simonbest@EM-hazard-therapy.com

Also in the UK is an organisation called Powerwatch who can provide advice on this and other EMR issues, including very useful field strength measurements at home or in the office. Phone 0897 100800 to speak to Alasdair or Jean Philips for details or for EMR advice.

Further afield in the USA is Microwave News, which is probably the most definitive of all independent journals on the whole EMR subject matter. Visit their web site for details on membership.

Even further afield in Tasmania is Electromagnetics Forum, another regular journal providing frank and unbiased information on the mobile phone and other EMR subjects. Contact Don Maisch , PO BOX 96, North Hobart 7002, Tasmania, Australia or phone (03) 6243 0195

Microshield - News Groups Microshield - News Groups


There are also many fine publications available to subscribe to, most at very reasonable rates.

Any mobile phone user who believes they are experiencing genuine related health effects or symptoms should of course contact their doctor, but they should also let their service provider and phone manufacturer know. In addition we do urge you to tell Alasdair Philips of Powerwatch, as he is collating details to provide for the EC research program. Please also find time to enter our competition which allows you to provide details of your symptoms or alternatively just e-mail them to us direct and we will enter you into the draw automatically.

Below is a list of newsgroups that may be of interest to you. All are concerned with either mobile phones, radiation, associated health problems or public opinion on the subject.

Simply click on the title of your choice to open your browser's news facility:

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