Microshield - mobile phone radiation protection cases

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Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to the following questions are the views of Microshield at the time of this latest update, based on the facts as we know and understand them from both official published material and conversations.

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Don't digital phones simply increase their power levels when they're being shielded?

A: Mobiles are designed to respond to ever-changing signal conditions using their APC system (Adaptive Power Control). This automatically increases the power output of the handset in weak signal conditions to maintain reception and speech quality at an optimum level. The handset will however only power up to a maximum predetermined level and thereafter simply drop the call rather than risk damaging the phone’s components The APC system also reduces power levels when reception is strong to minimise the drain on the battery’s charge..

When a mobile is being deliberately shielded, the APC system will instruct the handset to increase its power to compensate for the drop in signal strength. If the shield is not powerful enough to cope with this additional surge, then it will let through and the user may be left with the same exposure as before shielding was applied.

The Microshield™ has been subjected to the most thorough examination of its shielding capabilities and in every test performed on it, has been shown to significantly reduce radiation exposure, inclusive of the compensatory power surge of the APC system.

Microshield - FAQ's Microshield - FAQ's

Even if the Microshield ™ does shield, surely it will affect reception?

A: Obviously if a shield works it will reduce signal strength, but it should be borne in mind that a user’s head already does this, by absorbing a significant percentage of the radiation intended for transmission. European studies suggest as much as 98%, although a figure of 80% is more generally accepted. The real effect on post APC reception therefore, will be the difference between the signal reduction already caused by the user’s own head and that caused by the shield. Only when a shield absorbs more radiation than the head will reception, as perceived by the user, start to be affected.

The Microshield will not affect user perceived reception per se, as its adjustable antenna guard allows users to control shielding levels up or down, depending upon the reception conditions they find themselves in. No other product out on the market has this adjustability. Most shielding products either don’t work at all, work to a limited extent but are compromised by the APC’s compensatory power surge, or else they over-shield and smother reception.

We have a letter from the UK Government’s advisory body the National Radiological Protection Board, which quite clearly exonerates the Microshield from this criticism concerning reception. In addition, independent tests have shown no significant distortion of the digitised speech signal or any noticeable difference in speech transmission quality, when using the Microshield™.

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But even with a 90% reduction,
you will still be leaving the user open to some radiation exposure?

A: Correct. There certainly will be some radiation absorption still by the user, as well as radiation going off to make the call. In this regard, it is a question of damage limitation. Much like sun-bathers who still go on sunshine holidays but use higher factor protection creams than before, or smokers who have changed to low-tar cigarettes, both groups are still exposing themselves to risks. They are just being more careful.

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